Case story from Onyohor Community DEC LOAN A DESTINY HELPER
I Ogechukwu Digwu from onyohor community in Igbo Etiti L.G.A in Enugu state are hereby testify what DEC Enugu have done in my life and that of my family. I married to Mr. Digwu Emmanuel in the year 2011 with four kids to help my husband to raise these kids, I decided to look out for a small job which I letter find myself working as a house help to one family that are not based at village but normally come home weekends. I am being paid the sum of N8,000 monthly and I worked there for 2 years and some months but not finding it easy because the work is becoming too much on me meanwhile I started looking for a way out of which God had my prayers by sending Nneka Okegbe to me a senior credit officer from Enugu who explained DEC loan to me though in initial time I was afraid to take loan but the staff was able to convince me and I later accessed the DEC loan and after the disbursement in the morning, I called the staff that I want to return the loan because of not being comfortable with the loan but the credit officer in the person of Okegbe Nneka asked me to bring the loan back to DEC Enugu but I did not come at the end of the day. Starting from that day, I invested the loan of N20, 000 on the sale of beer in a shop as beer parlor which is now booming very well at my community Onyohor during evening time from 5pm till 11pm you will not see any space in my shop in fact I did not regret taking the loan from DEC because it is my destiny helper and helped me in contributing to the family in the case of my children’s education and feeding. I sincerely that DEC Enugu for their support to my life, family and women in my community. I pray God to continue to shower his blessings upon the organization. Mrs. Ogechukwu Digwu Chikwado Onyohor group.